Nigeria News

Pregnant woman gives birth at Lagos bus stop

20 Feb 2024
Pregnant woman gives birth at Lagos bus stop

A pregnant woman at the Onipanu bus stop on Ikorodu Road, Lagos, Southwest Nigeria, successfully gave birth to a baby on Monday, causing much celebration.

On Monday, she gave birth to a child at the bus stop.

Dr. Femi Oke-Osanyintolu, the Permanent Secretary of the Lagos State Emergency Management Agency (LASEMA), informed PM NEWS that at around nine in the morning on Monday, the Agency's Emergency Response Team received a distress call from nearby residents and onlookers at the Onipanu bus stop regarding a heavily pregnant woman who had unexpectedly gone into labour there while waiting to board a bus.

“LRT and the agency’s paramedics moved in swiftly in collaboration with some market women at the bus stop, provided a temporary makeshift in ensuring the safe delivery of the baby and the well-being of the mother.

“Fortunately, the woman was successfully delivered of a bouncing baby boy amidst jubilation,” he said.

Oke-Osanyintolu continued, saying that as soon as the mother and newborn were stabilised, agency representatives took them to the closest hospital so they could receive additional medical assistance.


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