Nigeria News

Residents in Abuja storm registration centres for PVCs

16 Jun 2022
Residents in Abuja storm registration centres for PVCs

As political activity ramps up ahead of the 2023 general election, eligible voters have besieged the Independent National Electoral Commission, INEC, based in the Federal Capital Territory, FCT, to register and collect their Permanent Voters Card, PVC. This rush may be related to the massive awareness-raising by celebrities, clergy, philanthropists, civil society organizations, CSOs, media, politicians and others who have urged Nigerians to go the extra mile to get their PVCs. A high turnout was observed from eligible voters in AMAC and Gwagwalada LGA local governments, who arrived before 1:00 am to ensure they received their PVCs. Speaking with PUNCH's correspondent, Salisu Amina, mother of two in Karu AMAC LGA, said: “The situation in the country is dire. Nigerians are suffering and we are suffering since APC came to power. In fact, many things that were easy for Nigerians became very difficult when they arrived. As a mother, I feel this pain. Even putting food on the table for my kids is very difficult. Due to this horrible situation and uncertain challenges that have gotten worse than before, I vowed to myself one morning that I will undergo whatever stress is necessary to get my PVC and vote this government out.”

Cynthia Igwe, a trader at Gwagwalada LGA, said: "To be honest I haven't exercised my voting rights for more than 10 years, but having worked at Buhari for seven years I don't think it's wise to be part of a government I did not choose in 2023."

Ebuka Jeremiah, a tailor, said: “It is better for me to put myself through the stress of getting a PVC than to have another long year with this government. “In fact, God knows what life has been like since Buhari became President of Nigeria. This man came with a negative vibe and Nigerians are willing to take out not only him but the APC administration as well.”


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