
Russia: NATO begins nuclear exercises

17 Oct 2022
Russia: NATO begins nuclear exercises

Belgium (AP) — As tensions over the conflict in Ukraine and Russian President Vladimir Putin's warning to take whatever measures necessary to preserve Russian territory rise, NATO started its long-anticipated yearly nuclear drills on Monday in northwest Europe.

The exercises, which the military alliance said will involve some 60 aircraft, including fighter jets, surveillance aircraft, and refuelling planes, were scheduled to involve 14 of NATO's 30 member countries.

At least 1,000 kilometres (625 miles) from Russia's borders will be where the majority of the war simulations are held.

In addition, American long-range B-52 bombers will participate in the exercises, known as Steadfast Noon, which will last through October 30. Media access is not permitted by NATO.

The North Sea, the United Kingdom, and Belgium, which is hosting Steadfast Noon this year, will all be the subject of training flights, according to NATO. The exercises don't use any live bombs, but they do involve fighter jets that can transport nuclear weapons.

Before Putin sent Russian troops into Ukraine in February, the drills were scheduled. Every year, Russia conducts its own exercises around the same time, and NATO anticipates that Moscow will test its nuclear forces this month.


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