
Samsung to improve fingerprint login security in 2025

04 Dec 2022
Samsung to improve fingerprint login security in 2025

How might fingerprint-based biometrics be made more secure? What if you made the entire OLED panel capable of scanning many fingerprints simultaneously, rather than utilizing a tiny scanner that can only read one fingerprint at a time? Samsung is developing this technology right now, despite the fact that it could sound like something from science fiction.

And in a recent interview, the CEO of ISORG stated that Samsung might have this technology prepared for its OLED panels in as little as two years.

At IMID a few months ago, Samsung revealed that it is working on an All-in-One fingerprint sensing solution for the next-generation screens, or OLED 2.0. Through their OLED displays, Galaxy smartphones and tablets will be able to read many fingerprints at once thanks to this technology.

Using three fingerprints simultaneously for authentication is 2.5 x 10-9 (or 2,500,000,000) more secure, according to Samsung Display, than using a single fingerprint. Samsung's technology will function over the entire screen in addition to these obvious security advantages. Users using Galaxy devices in the future won't need to be concerned about placing their fingerprints in the proper location on the screen. The entire screen can serve as a fingerprint scanner thanks to OLED 2.0 and the future All-in-One fingerprint scanning solution.

The precise date that Samsung will have this technology available for its Galaxy handsets is unknown. However, according to ISORG, its own OPD (Organic Photo Diode) multi-fingerprint scanning technology is now ready, and Samsung's All-in-One fingerprint scanner for OLED 2.0 is likely to utilise identical components and procedures.

Samsung will debut its multi-fingerprint scanning technology in 2025, according to ISORG CEO predictions. Technology will take over as the de facto security standard. The use of this technique by Apple is also unknown given that Face ID has supplanted fingerprint recognition in the most recent iPhone models. Samsung is most likely going to be the first OEM to offer multi-fingerprint scanning, taking the lead in the sector.


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