Nigeria News

Security operatives arrest two 'femle bombers' over Borno explosions

01 Jul 2024
Security operatives arrest two 'femle bombers' over Borno explosions

Two female suicide bombers are allegedly being held by security personnel in connection with the detonation of improvised explosive devices (IEDs) in the Gwoza LGA of Borno. 

IEDs were detonated by suicide bombers around Borno on Saturday. The number of confirmed deaths from the explosions is 18. 

To set off the IEDs, thirty female suicide bombers were dispatched to Gwoza, a local government official informed reporters. Only four suicide bombers, according to the source, were able to set off their IEDs.

19 persons were hurt in the attacks, according to Barkindo Saidu, director-general of the Borno State Emergency Management Agency (SEMA), while 23 others were taken to the Medical Regimental Services (MRS) facility for treatment.

“It affected more than 30 persons with various levels of injuries and instant death. Some minutes later, another blast occurred around the general hospital,” he said.

“So far, 18 deaths comprising children, adult males, females and pregnant women. 19 seriously injured were conveyed to Maiduguri in four ambulances, while 33 waited for military escort to the medical regimental services (MRS) clinic.”


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