Foreign Affairs

Severe flood kills at least 31 people in Northern Sudan

30 Aug 2024
Severe flood kills at least 31 people in Northern Sudan

Over the course of the last two days, floodwaters have flooded through numerous towns and villages in northern Sudan, causing hundreds of homes to collapse and scores of deaths. 

Qureshi Hussein, a spokesman for Sudan's Civil Defence, reports that the floods in the country's north had already claimed the lives of 31 people. After losing his house, Yassin Abdul Wahab had to construct a temporary home for his family.

"People are sleeping in the streets, and the situation is very bad," he said.

"We are currently working on building a shelter for the family using materials from the collapsed house," he added.

Over 317,000 people have been affected by this month's heavy rains and flooding in Sudan, according to officials. 

Because of the continuous conflict in the nation, 118,000 of those affected have been displaced, making this one of the largest displacement disasters in history. 

On Tuesday, the 500th day had passed since the Sudanese Armed Forces and the Rapid Support Forces, or RSF, started combat.


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