Nigeria News

Soldiers destroy bandits' hideouts in Taraba, rescue kidnap victims

05 Feb 2024
Soldiers destroy bandits' hideouts in Taraba, rescue kidnap victims

Together with other security agencies, soldiers from the Nigerian Army's 114 Battalion (Rear) of 6 Brigade destroyed several bandits' hideouts on Saturday and freed four victims who had been kidnapped in Taraba's Yorro Local Government Area.

This is stated in a statement that was provided to journalists in Jalingo on Sunday and signed by Lt. Olabodunde Oni, Acting Assistant Director, 6 Brigade Army Public Relations.

It said that on February 2, a fast and decisive operation was launched to drive away bandits and kidnappers who were upsetting the quiet in Yorro and its surroundings.

The statement further stated that the bandits were forced to depart the region, leaving behind their four kidnapped victims, when troops engaged them in combat in the Gampu Hills and Ban Yorro districts and deployed superior firepower.

“The operation is still ongoing to ensure that other kidnapped victims who fled the area during the exchange of fire are found and reunited with their loved ones.

“The rescued victims are Genesis Samuel, 24, from Ganku village; Benard Denis, 28, from Fulfualgon village; Esther Titus, 35, from Kosanai village; and the Emir of Pupulle’s son, Isma’il Umar, 25, who was abducted at his residence on January 18.

“The Brigade is committed to ensuring the safety of citizens and dismantling all criminal infrastructure in the state.

“Members of the public are urged to continue to support the military by giving credible and timely information on suspicious movements to aid in improving security within the state,” the statement urged.


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