Nigeria News

Student loan application to be accessible to state-owned institutions

30 May 2024
Student loan application to be accessible to state-owned institutions

According to the Nigerian Education Loan Fund (NELFUND), state-owned postsecondary schools would be able to apply for student loans in three weeks. 

The NELFUND portal launched on May 24. Prior to the program's launch, NELFUND stated that the initial phase of the programme will assist students attending federal universities, polytechnics, and colleges. NELFUND made it clear that loans to state-owned institutions will be provided as part of the scheme's second phase. 

Over 60,000 students have successfully registered on the portal since the scheme's debut, according to Akintunde Sawyerr, NELFUND managing director, who made this statement during a press event on Thursday.

“This for us has been an overwhelming response and it serves as a testament to the critical need for financial assistance amongst our student population and we remain committed to addressing this urgent demand,” he said.

According to him, student registrations do not always correspond to completed applications; of that number, only 30,000 have applied successfully. 

According to the managing director, NELFUND will "begin accepting applications from students attending state-owned tertiary institutions in three weeks time," in keeping with its commitment to higher education. 

When asked the precise date, he replied that the fund hopes to begin accepting applications on June 25. He did, however, note that the date is still subject to change due to things like institution data uploads.


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