Nigeria News

TCN halts planned power outage in Ondo, Ekiti

03 Jul 2024
TCN halts planned power outage in Ondo, Ekiti

The scheduled power outage on the 132KV Ado-Ekiti and Osogbo/Akure lines has been halted by the Transmission Company of Nigeria. The BEDC Electricity Plc stated that the outage was originally planned to last for two months. This was said in a statement released in Benin on Tuesday by Evelyn Gbiwen, Head of BEDC's branding and corporate communications. According to Gbiwen, the suspension will last until further notice.“We wish to announce that we have just received a further update from TCN to the effect that TCN has suspended the planned outage on Osogbo/Akure and Ado-Ekiti 132KV lines.“The planned power outage which was previously scheduled for July 1 to August 31, has been suspended till further notice.“Our services will therefore continue without interruption,” she said.She reaffirmed BEDC's dedication to providing our clients with superior service. BEDC notified its clients in Ondo and Ekiti on Sunday that TCN would be performing two months of maintenance on the 132KV Osogbo-Akure transmission line. It stated that in order to provide a safe workspace, an outage would be necessary for the installation of optical ground wire as well as other maintenance tasks.Source

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