
Teenager remanded in prison for killing mother in Ondo

08 Oct 2022
Teenager remanded in prison for killing mother in Ondo

In Akure, the state capital of Ondo, a Chief Magistrate Court has ordered the detention of Tope Momoh, 18, for allegedly killing his mother, the Late Mrs. Stella Momoh.

On September 6, 2022, at Ikakumo Akoko Community, Akoko North-East Local Government Area of the state, the defendant is alleged to have strangled the deceased following an argument.

He was charged with murder on one count and arraigned before the court.

According to the prosecutor, Nelson Akintimehin, the defendant strangled his mother to death in the middle of the night after she called him a bastard. He also admitted to the crime two weeks after the victim's funeral.

Akintimehin also told the court that until her son claimed responsibility, no one knew what caused the deceased's unexpected demise.

The prosecutor claims that the offence violates Section 319 (1) of the Criminal Code, Cap. 37, Vol. II Law of Ondo State, 2006, which was broken.

In order to hold the defendant in custody while the court awaited the Director of Public Prosecutions' advice, the prosecution pleaded with the judge to do so.

Pleading in court, the defendant said,  “I did not have rest of mind since my mother has been buried. So, I was forced to confess that I strangled her to death. I want the court to show me mercy.”

In his decision, the Chief Magistrate, Mr. Musa Al-Yunnus, remanded the defendant to the Olokuta Correctional Center and continued the case until October 20, 2022.


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