Nigeria News

Terrorists abduct four Nasarawa University students

11 Oct 2023
Terrorists abduct four Nasarawa University students

Late on Tuesday, four Nasarawa State University, Keffi students had been kidnapped by terrorists between Monday and Tuesday.

According to Solomon Timmy, a member of the university's Students Union, the terrorists broke into the student community on Monday between 10:30 and 11:00 p.m. and appeared to have continued their rampage in the regions until early Tuesday morning.

 â€œYesterday, between 10.30 to 11 at night, bandits came into students’ villages or communities to attack students and hostels. They abducted four students – three females and one male,” he told PREMIUM TIMES over the telephone late Tuesday.

Rahila Hanya (Science and Laboratory Technology), Josephine Gershon (Computer Science), Rosemary Samuel (Business Administration), and Goodness Samuel (Geography) were listed as the victims of the kidnapping. They're all in the 100 level.

Security personnel and university administration are attempting to save the students, according to Mr. Timmy, the chairman of the institution's Students' Union security committee.

He said that the terrorists had opened negotiations with the students' relatives.

Ramhan Nansel, the police spokesperson for Nasarawa State, confirmed the kidnapping to BBC Hausa.

He claimed that on Tuesday, the police command was informed of the kidnapping.


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