Nigeria News

Terrorists threaten to abduct El-Rufai, Buhari if their demands are not met

24 Jul 2022
Terrorists threaten to abduct El-Rufai, Buhari if their demands are not met

The terrorists who kidnapped the passengers on the Abuja-Kaduna train have threatened to kidnap and kill both President Muhammadu Buhari and Nasir El-Rufai, the governor of Kaduna state.

In a video, the terrorists also pledged to keep torturing the captives.

The terrorists claimed that they will destroy the country, kill the passengers still in their hands, and sell out the others while cruelly bashing the victims with sticks in a two-minute, sixty-second video.

One of the terrorists said that if their demands weren't met, they would turn the neighbourhood into an abattoir.

In Hausa, one of the terrorists said, "This is our message to the government of Nigeria and just as you have seen these guys here, by God's help, you will see your leaders; your senators and governors will appear before us."

"We shall keep some of these that you see here as our slaves and sell them off, exactly as our Imam previously told you,'

"We'll sell these girls as slaves in the same way that the Chibok girls were sold off. We'll kill the ones we need to kill and sell the rest if you don't comply with our demands. El-Rufai, Buhari, we will bring you here by the grace of God.

One of the victims, who wished to remain anonymous, pleaded for help from the foreign communities and accused the federal government of carelessness.

Even a week after the attack, "These people (terrorists) were ready to release us, but the government refused to accept their demands. We are pleading with France, England, and other nations to come to our aid, including the UN and AU, the captive claimed.

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