Nigeria News

Tinubu arrives Riyadh for 2024 World Economic Forum

27 Apr 2024
Tinubu arrives Riyadh for 2024 World Economic Forum

In preparation for his participation in the 2024 Special World Economic Forum on Global Collaboration, Growth, and Energy for Development, President Bola Tinubu travelled to Riyadh, the capital of Saudi Arabia, on Friday. 

After spending the previous three days in The Hague, Netherlands, he is now starting the second leg of his two-nation tour. 

The high-level meeting is set to take place in Riyadh on Saturday and Sunday, and is expected to draw in over a thousand leaders from the business, government, and academic sectors from over 90 nations. 

Discussions would focus on the steps that have been made since the first Growth Summit, which took place in Geneva, Switzerland, in 2023. 

“Tinubu and his entourage will use the opportunity of the gathering to discuss his renewed hope agenda for the country,” the President’s spokesperson, Mr Ajuri Ngelale, revealed in a statement he signed last Monday. ??

The three key issues that the leaders are likely to discuss in Riyadh are revitalising global collaboration, promoting inclusive growth, and igniting action on energy for development. 

The event provides a forum to "bridge the growing North-South divide exacerbated by emerging economic policies, the energy transition, and geopolitical shocks," as stated in the SWEF concept note.??? 

Tinubu's two-day journey to the Gulf nation is his second in the last five months.


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