Nigeria News

Tinubu to attend newly elected Chad’s president Déby

23 May 2024
Tinubu to attend newly elected Chad’s president Déby

It is scheduled that President Bola Tinubu would be present at Mahamat Déby's inauguration as the new president of Chad. Deby won a widely watched presidential election, according to preliminary results released in May by Chad's National Election Management Agency. 

With more than 61% of the vote, Deby's victory eliminates the need for a run-off against Prime Minister Success Masra, who received 18.5% of the vote. 

In a statement released on Wednesday, President Tinubu's Special Advisor on Media and Publicity, Ajuri Ngelale, revealed that President Tinubu would travel from Abuja to N'Djamena, the Republic of Chad, for the inauguration on Thursday. 

According to Ngelale, high-ranking government officials would accompany President Tinubu on the trip and he will return after the event.

The statement read in part, “The inauguration of President Déby follows his declaration as the winner of the country’s presidential election earlier this month and subsequent affirmation by the Constitutional Court of Chad.

“President Tinubu will be accompanied on the trip by senior government officials and will return after the ceremony.”


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