Nigeria News

Tinubu visits Nothern bishops, says his intention is not in religiosity

23 Sep 2022
Tinubu visits Nothern bishops, says his intention is not in religiosity

Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu, the All Progressives Congress (APC presidential )'s candidate, has clarified to the Christian community that his choice of running mate was based on his commitment to service rather than on religion or other considerations.

He addressed the Pentecostal Bishops Forum of Northern Nigeria in Abuja on Thursday.

The clerics were informed by Tinubu of his objectives and initiatives to raise Nigeria's standard of living and build bridges across racial and religious divides.

Shedding light on his plans, Tinubu said: “How will Nigeria develop? How do we banish hunger? How do we improve the insecurity and how do we eliminate killing one another, and shedding the blood of innocent citizens, that is what we must take to the office and not our religion.

“My intention is clear. Not in religiosity. My intention is to develop this country, to bring prosperity to our country and I have better qualifications, better track records, better exposure, better vision than any of my mates.”

According to the APC presidential candidate, he has always been a friend of the Christian community and should be given consideration based on his prior accomplishments, future plans, and agenda for the development of Nigeria.

He reiterated that Senator Kashim Shettima's selection as his running mate was based on fairness, competency, and capacity.

According to him: “When the shortlisted names came, I looked at the characters on the list, their background and everything and here is somebody (Kassim Shetimma) who is so brilliant, so committed, who, during the crisis in Bornu protected Christians.”

He asked all Nigerians to put the country's growth ahead of their religious beliefs.

Chairman of Pentecostal Bishops Forum of Northern Nigeria Archbishop John Praise said: “We are not committed to endorsing anybody but you should ask your conscience and from what you have heard and from the explanation, he (Tinubu) had given to us to make your own judgement of who will better rule and handle the country.”

Senator Grace Brent of Adamawa State, a prominent female Christian leader and member of the ruling party, expressed hope that Tinubu's election as president will mark a fresh beginning for the church in general and the people of northern Nigeria in particular.


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