
UK court remands Ekweremadu and his wife, Beatrice.

08 Jul 2022
UK court remands Ekweremadu and his wife, Beatrice.

Westminster Magistrates' Court remanded Senator Ike Ekweremadu and his wife Beatrice on Thursday and adjourned the case until August 4 after ruling that alleged organ harvesting victim David Nwamini is 21 years old.

Nwamini had claimed to be a minor, but the defendants' lawyers argued that the victim lied about his age, while prosecutors insisted he was a minor.

Despite the court's subsequent decision that the victim was not a minor, the Ekweremadus will appear before the Central Criminal Court in London on August 4 for the continuation of the trial.

Gavin Irwin represented Ekweremadu while Szilvia Booker represented the wife.

A high-level delegation led by former Senate President David Mark was in court in solidarity with his former deputy.

Others included former Senate Minority Leader Enyinnaya Abaribe; former Secretary of State for Education, Chukwuemeka Nwajiuba; Senate Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Adamu Bulkachuwa and Nigerian High Commission officials.

Earlier, Ekweremadu's attorney Irwin denied any form of exploitation in the case, saying in his opening remarks, "We deny there was any exploitation or intent to do so."

The defendants' lawyers also informed the court of a request for bail they intend to file in the first week of August.


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