
US surgeons perform first pig-to-human kidney transplant on a 62-year-old

23 Mar 2024
US surgeons perform first pig-to-human kidney transplant on a 62-year-old

Doctors at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston announced the successful transplantation of a kidney from a genetically modified pig into a 62-year-old man with end-stage renal disease.

This groundbreaking surgery, conducted on March 16, signifies a significant step forward in providing more readily available organs to patients, the hospital disclosed in a statement.

The recipient, Richard Slayman of Weymouth, Massachusetts, is reported to be recovering well following the four-hour surgery and is expected to be discharged soon, according to hospital officials.

Dr. Jim Kim, director of kidney and pancreas transplantation at the USC Transplant Institute in Los Angeles, highlighted the immense interest among experts in the long-term outcomes of this pioneering animal-to-human transplant.


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