
World's oldest tortoise celebrates 190th birthday

03 Dec 2022
World's oldest tortoise celebrates 190th birthday

The Seychelles giant tortoise Jonathan, who is turning 190, is being honoured on the South Atlantic island of St. Helena as the world's oldest living land mammal.

The three-day celebration of the "historic milestone" will take place in the island governor's residence, where Jonathan has lived for the most of his life.

There are also a number of commemorative stamps that the island's authorities, a British overseas colony, have produced.

He was given to Sir William Grey-Wilson, who eventually became governor, as a gift in 1882 when he transported him from Seychelles to St. Helena.

However, according to Matt Joshua, the island of St. Helena's director of tourism, Jonathan could actually be 200 years old.

Jonathan is the oldest chelonian ever, according to Guinness World Records, which includes all turtles, terrapins, and tortoises.

Tu'i Malila, a radiated tortoise that lived to be at least 188 years old, was the previous oldest chelonian. Tu'i Malila, who was given to the Tonga royal family by British explorer Captain James Cook sometime around 1777, passed away in 1965.

Living as the oldest tortoise in the world

Jonathan has considerable notoriety in St. Helena. The ancient creature shares a home with David, Emma, and Fred, three other huge tortoises.

Despite being blind and losing his sense of smell due to ageing, Jonathan has amazing hearing. He responds well to hearing his vet's voice, according to Guiness World Records.

Jonathan's veterinarian, Joe Hollins, informed Guinness World Records that the animal still has lots of energy—though this varies with the weather—despite some of his senses currently fading.

"On mild days, he will sunbathe -- his long neck and legs stretched fully out of his shell to absorb heat and transfer it to his core," Hollins said.

In colder weather, he prefers to "dig himself into leaf mould or grass clippings and remain there all day."

Hollins added: "In spite of his age, Jonathan still has a good libido and is seen frequently to mate with Emma and sometimes Fred -- animals are often not particularly gender-sensitive!"


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